Why not? If you are already living in Florida or in the States for that matter Southern Florida as a destination may not be as appealing to you, as someone living in the UK. If you coming from Europe like I did the idea of winters in the sun and all those other attractive things we see on the TV may make Miami’s South Beach look like paradise. If you live in a cold northern climate South Florida could definitely be described as somewhat exotic and attractive when faced with another harsh winter.
For all those setting out on their first nomadic venture with the tight budget that normally accompanies one’s first attempt at making a living from the web whilst traveling, South Florida may not be the best of choices, on the other hand if you’re a seasoned nomad. And you have a better sense of your likely monthly earnings staying consistent and been more than just enough to just scrape by, Florida has a lot to offer to the working nomad.
Contrary to your first probable reaction the United States is not an expensive destination add to that you could throw in Safe, Cheap Flights, Fast Internet, Easy to find accommodation, I nearly forgot the electric hardly ever goes down and we have a wonderful climate year-round.
I was first introduced to this website back in 2006. I had already made a start and had a small website that was just sitting there and doing nothing I had all the ideas but was doing nothing with them, traveling has always been something high on my list and the idea that I could travel and support myself from the web was already on my mind. Not knowing where to start I did the next best thing and typed something like “travel and work” in to Google and found this website intrigued, I dug a little deeper. Here was a guy doing exactly what I had been thinking about. I quickly found his first post and started to read, a few hours later I was up to date with all the old posts. I was hooked instantly.
I need to say here and now webby. Thank you!
Three years on, I’m still stuck in Florida, but have a decent residual income each month from the web. I could also say stuck in Florida by choice, I could leave tomorrow and hop on over to Asia or any other Country I choose. At present though I have a multitude of reasons to stay here, the most important is that after careful consideration, I realized South Florida is an excellent destination / home base for a working nomad.
This is my first post on here, and as you can see I will be focusing on why you may want to consider South Florida as a destination where you can hunker down for a few months and do some serious work on your websites. I will cover topics like Visa’s, Accommodation and the different local areas and what they have to offer. I will also touch on some of my own experiences as they relate to building a truly residual income from the web.