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Some days are better than others…

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Working for yourself on web sites can be hugely rewarding but like any work you have good days and bad days. Motivation is the key to make this suceed and there are a number of ways I try and motivate myself to work harder.

1. Log in and see how much money I have earnt today and then transfer this to my running total and monthly totals.

2. Walk to the undergound station in the morning with all the other glum looking commuters and then turn around and walk home.

3. Visiting web sites such as for moral support and read about people that have made it big doing this type of work.

There are lots of ways to keep yourself motivated. When I am on the road I will be only spending what I earn. So the previous days’ earnings will be the next day’s spending money. If I only make enough to cover my room and a bowl of rice then so be it.