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Another Working Nomad takes the plunge…

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As I write this, the ink is still wet on the freshly-signed resignation letter on the desk next to me. In just seven weeks from now I will be leaving my front door and heading overland from the UK over to France, Switzerland, Germany, Russia and beyond – armed with a laptop and a whole host of ideas for new sites.

After wanting this for nearly two years, I finally have the opportunity to make a go of it. And I would be lying if I said I wasn’t soiling myself slightly at the uncertainty of it all!

Luckily, my company have offered me a sabbatical arrangement, so I can go straight back to my job on my return (if I return…) at the same salary and grade – so I really have nothing to lose by taking the plunge, but everything to gain.

So here’s to the Working Nomad life on the road – and for all those of you striving to get there, I can offer you Webby’s words of advice that he gave to me in our first correspondence back in February 2006: good luck and never give it up because it can be done.