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Long haul travel on the cheap!

If you are a long term traveller or digital nomad with time on your hands then flying the around the World does not have to be expensive if you are prepared to be flexible with dates and destinations. I recently flew from Sydney to London via Hawaii, Vegas, Mexico, Munich and Budapest on the cheap… Read More »Long haul travel on the cheap!

The European Homeless in Australia

I have recently returned from a three month road trip around the continent country of Australia and hoping to get a story published in the Australian press about a subculture of backpackers I met on my travels. This subculture fits the typical stereotype of the backpacker in Australia. Young Europeans on a trip of a… Read More »The European Homeless in Australia

Downsizing to a Nomad

It’s truly amazing how much you can downsize when you put your mind to it. Going away on a nomadic trip for a few months provides a good reason to get rid of stuff you don’t really need or use. I have recently come back from a five month trip away and moved out of… Read More »Downsizing to a Nomad

Solar power travel gear reviews

One thing I seek as a Nomad is the sunshine, and with sunshine comes energy, limitless energy. I sit at home now with my Powermonkey solar cell sitting in my window charging up my mobile device, cool eh! It’s actually charging it pretty fast too! Oh how I wish such portable energy sources were available… Read More »Solar power travel gear reviews