I know I only posted yesterday but thought I would give a quick mention to a rather important personal milestone that I have reached (if you are a geek like me and hang out on webmasterworld.com you’ll understand).
Yes I finally had my first USD$100 (£57.00) day yesterday and I am quite thrilled as you might expect. After spending what seemed like an eternity lingering around the $20 a day mark I feel I have made a significant leap forward now.
As many on webmasterworld will testify getting from $20 to $100 a day can be one of the hardest challenges of making money on the Internet from web sites.
I get quite a few emails asking the secret to all this but there really is n’t one. My best advice is that you have to truly believe that you can make money from the web and never give up.
Just noticed it’s Friday the 13th!