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One week left in Aotearoa

I finally got around to booking my flight out of NZ. I actually booked a really cheap flight to Sydney last week with Emirates, which happened to be much cheaper than Qantas or Air NZ (frequent Tasman crossers take note!).

So from Sydney I was undecided which way to go but finally decided on going the pacific way and I will be flying onto Los Angeles after a short TEFL course (teaching English). From LA I plan to hire a car for a few weeks and explore California.

I am hoping to see Vegas, Death Valley, Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon before heading North to one of the national parks and check out the Sierra Nevada range. Any other suggestions?

When I get back to LA I am either going to fly straight home (around mid to late May) or head down south of the border for a while.

As usual with me my plans are still not set in stone but I think a few weeks travel around California will be enough.

Having been in one place for nearly eight months now has actually not made me yearn for travel for the sake of travel like before.