Hello from Bangkok. This is just a short post as it is pretty late here and I should really be asleep. I arrived three days ago now and have been in a bit of a drunken haze since thanks to Beer Chang.
As promised a month ago I am compiling an absolute beginners guide to creating web sites and making money from the web. I am trying to write it in plain English rather than techy speak (which is not easy for geek).
The introduction page and part one can be <a href="http://www.workingnomad.com/website-guide-make-money.htm">found here</a>.
I have been banging on about flash drives and how useful they are but I have n’t mentioned about viruses. My little pen drive has been in and out of so many PCs that I had 40 viruses on the little bleeder! I only realised when my portable web browser would n’t start.
Anyway I have sorted the problem and discovered a free anti-virus progam that you can actually install on to you flash drive. You can download <a href="http://www.free-av.com">free av here</a>.
If you are going to stick your thing in many different places you need protection, if you get my meaning. The anti-virus software works like a dream.