Well guys it was the 18th October that I left London on a wet autumnal day to start this adventure and I really don’t know where the time has gone. I am convinced the older you get the quicker time passes. I must cut back on my sleep!
Highlights of the last six months? Well there are too many to list. Believe it or not running this web site has been a highlight and in a way it gives me the energy to carry on.
This trip is going to finish at the beginning of July. I should be home just in time to see England parade the World Cup in Trafalgar Square. 😉
I have booked my train ticket for the Perhentian Islands and I leave on Thursday evening from KL. I am really looking forward to it now because I have worked quite hard over the last week and it feels like a reward.
When you just travel it is easy to become quite blasé about places you are going to. Oh another tropical island! Another temple! I think when you work and travel it lessens the travel fatigue that one might get after 6 months away.
Thank you to all those who have contributed to the <a href="http://www.workingnomad.com/forum/">WN forum</a>. It seems to be going really well and with a press release soon out I hope there will be a lot of newbies joining in and sharing their knowledge.
I was going to put a photo up with this post but as you are all probably aware, I ain’t got any! (and I only have myself to blame)